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Cell salts for weight loss -

01-02-2017 à 10:42:07
Cell salts for weight loss
Summer is the time when we are most sensitive to body weight issues. Follow a healthy diet, a moderate exercise regime and for 2 or 3 months take tissue salts that will detoxify your body and will improve your metabolism. When these vital tissue salts are in the correct ratio or concentration, the body is healthy. Vacation is quickly approaching but you do not like what you see when you look in the mirror. It is a nerve tonic and it is particularly helpful in stress-related eating and for people who get irritable when on a weight-reducing diet. In the evening take tissue salt Natrum phosphate(sodium phosphate). First I like to explain you the therapies for the treatment and prevention of weight gain and overweight offered in this guide: Homeopathy was developed about 200 years ago by Samuel Hahnemann. Weight Loss - Lose weight and stay slim with Homeopathy. It acts as a cleanser and purifier of toxins and eliminates excessive water from tissues. Tissue salts are homeopathic dilutions of the mineral salts that our cells need to function properly. Although we may receive enough minerals in our food, in the event of a metabolic disorder, not all of the minerals may reach the cells. Weight gain and overweight can be caused and reinforced by a mineral deficiency and an acidification of the body. It determines whether we stay lean even though we eat and drink according to our mood, or whether we become fat, even if we eat like a sparrow. They activate the excretion of toxins and acids. The use of homeopathic remedies and Schuessler salts (homeopathic cell salts, tissue salts) is a good way to compensate this mineral deficiency in a natural way and to treat weight gain and overweight.

This is where the effect of Homeopathy and Schuessler salts (homeopathic cell salts) works. At lunch take tissue salt Natrum sulphate (sodium sulphate). Although they are not classed as genuine homeopathic preparations, they are offered in low dilutions such as 6X and 12X. The basal metabolic rate increases and the self-healing power of the body is activated. Robert Kopf, Author of Naturopathy and Traditional healer Translated from german edition by the author The metabolic activity decides about our figure. Stress, acidification of the body, as well as environmental toxins hinder the mineral transport through the cell membranes. The three tissue salts for weight loss include potassium phosphate, sodium sulphate and sodium phosphate. As soon as the tissue salts ratio is disturbed, cell function is impaired, resulting in illness. When your metabolism rate is higher, you will be able to lose more weight. Mineral deficiency and acidification in turn weaken the hormonal system, connective tissue and immune system. Weight loss - How to lose weight and stay slim with Homeopathy, Schuessler salts (cell salts) and Acupressure. A defective metabolism favors weight gain and overweight, acidification and chronic health problems and is often the result of a disturbance of mineral intake and mineral distribution. In the morning take tissue salt Kali phoshate (potassium phosphate) in the morning. The body will be purified and the dissolved metabolic waste, acids and toxins are excreted through the intestines, urinary tract, lungs and skin. It maintains acid-base balance, improves metabolism and digestion, and eliminates fluid retention. It helps healthy functioning of the liver and has a mild diuretic action.

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