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My doctors weight loss clinic - my doctors weight loss clinic

31-01-2017 à 18:21:31
My doctors weight loss clinic
I started taking Topamax about a year ago paired with Zoloft and it had a few side effects. It has brought the biggest change to my life and I will never be the same. I also have been on other drugs, and found that nothing works quite like topamax does. Eating Hot Peppers May Help You Live Longer. I will post every week to update everyone on my experience with Topamax. I was just started on Topamax along with keppra, lacimtal, duragesic fentyl patch (for pain - have had over 12 abdominal surgeries in 15 years). That has never happend to me in my entire life. But now the excessive diarrhea and the appetite loss have enlightened my life again. What i do like about it is no migranes and i sleep through the entire night which never happens with me. I started taking Topamax about a year ago paired with Zoloft and it had a few side effects. After a while (about three weeks) this started to subside. Please let me know how it goes with your increased dosage. Hello, I used to take Topamax for migraines in high school because my migraines were taking away from my everyday life. I also suffer from bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety and take Prozac and Lamotrigine. ie: do you feel a burden to others. 2010 I had an accident (I will paste the details below) and when taken to the hospital was 156. My doc just put me on Topamax for migraine prevention and Bipolar mood swings. MY doc is hoping this will work for my migraines and my nerve pain. Below I will paste the article about my accident. My doctor thought trying something that I had been on before would be a good idea because it had seemed to help stop the migraines. The other was insistent that the pelvis needed to be stabilized. It is often said that from every negative a positive arises, according to Allison. My doc just put me on Topamax for migraine prevention and Bipolar mood swings. She credits her survival to many things, Rowdy the healing cat being high on the list, along with the constant presence of her family, and their never-ending sense of humor. I got weightloss but after I was up to 400mg. This is what results in the side effect of loss of appetite, at least for me. I was taking 800 mgs of gabapentin for nerve pain but was taken off when it no longer worked. She was a bit disoriented, but she was most concerned about the others in the car with her. The first time I lost about 35 lbs with the effects but kept going and lost a total of 76lbs. I also went from 132lbs down to 110lbs in 3 months and have no appetite, so my DR told me to drink carnation instant breakfast as an extra meal. My hunger pangs are more servere, though my taste buds are a bit affected, only some chocolates and soft drinks taste unusual. Filling up on junk food or carbs is a bad idea. I have struggled with my weight since adolescence, and am thrilled to say that Topamax has really given me no other problems except a few weird tingling sensations in my feet, but I can deal. During that time I gained 55 pounds of very unwanted pounds, after each surgery I would lose the usual 10 to 16 pounds and then it would come right back on. Highway heroine on mend after 12 broken bones. But now the excessive diarrhea and the appetite loss have enlightened my life again. I have not noticed a reduction in my appetite nor have i noticed any additional sleepiness or trouble with words (I write so I would certainly notice this). I have fine hair as it is and already use hair extensions for length but would hate to lose top hair. I stopped taking it in August cuz me n hubby are trying to have a baby, but if I am not pregnant this month, we are gonna stop trying for a while til I get my weight under control. m. I just started taking Topamax, started at 25 mg, then going to 50 mg and staying at that until I go back to Dr on July 8. I was perscribed topamax for the daily headaches. A second study found that sleeping too little prompts people to eat bigger portions of all foods, increasing weight gain. I have just started topamax as a mood stabilizer (i have BPD) and I also hope to lose weight with it since I am very morbidly obese (bmi over 50). I started when the drug was fairly unknown to most and a generic wasnt available at the time. The icing on the cake was the insurance for the insurance company went bankrupt - I never knew that was even possible), sorry I digress. If any of you see a neurologist and have to fill out that questionaire of 10 questions. ago at a party and then i saw her at Christmas and it was shocking. Rowdy is a stray cat that Allison found in the family barn and raised on a bottle. If this cascade of events happens a few times each year, no problem. I tried lyrica and savella and those didnt work either. 2010, weigh 111 lbs. I was under many life changes during this time, so I have no idea what eventually stopped the stomach aches. I also went from 132lbs down to 110lbs in 3 months and have no appetite, so my DR told me to drink carnation instant breakfast as an extra meal. I get the numbness in my face, and I notice it especially in the mornings, when I am putting on makeup. The dose on the topamax is listed as take one 100mg pill at bedtime. They recently came back and I am back on Topamax. My dr called me in a script for topamax for my migraines. To all those reading may every day be a little better than the day before. She credits her survival to many things, Rowdy the healing cat being high on the list, along with the constant presence of her family, and their never-ending sense of humor. I demanded to be taken off Remeron but the damage was already done. See what works best for you when it comes to food. I was unable to control my cravings and appetite during all this time and have gone from 135 to 162 in a very short period of time. I used to have migraines at least 5 or 6 times a week, and now I only have like 2 a month. I know some of the weight loss is due to the fact that I no longer take steroids or injections but either way, very happy with the results. The combination of hormones and Topamax worked extremely well. Also, I know how tempting it is not to exercise while on Topamax since you tend to lose weight without needing the physical activity. I did great at 25 only okay at 50 but by the time I got to 75 I was having trouble with confusion, I could complete thoughts or spell words. Is the weight loss only a factor if you experience the loss of appetite. s. I recently re-started on the Topamax because I am having frequent, horrible migraines. I did great at 25 only okay at 50 but by the time I got to 75 I was having trouble with confusion, I could complete thoughts or spell words. I have digenerative disc disease and my neirologist just prescribed topamax. I have recently re-started Topamax alongside Propanolol to manage my migraines. I asked her what was she taking and she said Topamax. On Topamax, it effortlessly dropped to 133, plateaued, then began dropping again (104) and after a couple of years crept up to156. so I am extremely worried about losing my new hairs and the little that I do have. My doctors say they will increase my dose of the topamax soon. I have fine hair as it is and already use hair extensions for length but would hate to lose top hair. along with maxalt. So I said I want it. I seem to get them first thing in the morning or late night if I stay up. Still taking Imitrex, two 100 mg tabs per migraine. However, in speaking with other trauma victims, I have heard that weight loss, lack of appetite, etc. I feel great and my blood sugar and pressure are all back to normal, healthy ranges. I tried lyrica and savella and those didnt work either. I previously found Topamax 25mg twice daily managed them well but was causing me to lose a lot of weight ( lost several stone) and have abdominal discomfort so came off. I will admit that I am hoping for weight loss but I am not expecting it. Health Care: What You Need to Know. Maxalt is brilliant and it has little to no side effects but it is not as effective as tomapax for preventing migraines, its more of a pain killer and if you have a very severe migraine they will not work but if you have a bad headache or mild migraine then you will find maxalt good. The tingling and burning in my feet and hands it has helped. Anyway, Bill and I lifted the car off of Allison and the anonymous man slid her out. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours each night. But your body still needs exercise to remain healthy while you lose the weight. I had taken myself off most sodas a while back, but at the movie theater the other day I decided to get a Diet Dr. It is often said that from every negative a positive arises, according to Allison. I lost my appetite and lost weight every month when i started taking effexor and i also take levothyroxine for hypothyroidism which is a weight loss booster but it only works if you have a low thyroid, so the tomapax is really just for headaches but the weight loss ONLY works with doses of 100mg and over. I was just started on Topamax along with keppra, lacimtal, duragesic fentyl patch (for pain - have had over 12 abdominal surgeries in 15 years). I will admit that I am hoping for weight loss but I am not expecting it. I stopped taking the combination therapy because after getting much better, my depression symptoms got much worse while I was still on the medicine. Researchers found that when dieters cut back on sleep over a 14-day period, the amount of weight they lost from fat dropped by 55%, even though their calories stayed equal. 2010 I had an accident (I will paste the details below) and when taken to the hospital was 156. I have lost a couple pounds already and my fave diet coke tastes gross. My doc tells me it does change your taste buds and the only thing that really tasted good to me was milk. On Topamax, it effortlessly dropped to 133, plateaued, then began dropping again (104) and after a couple of years crept up to156. People who do not lose weight on tomapax are taking pills which counter act weight loss. He and his daughter Caitlin had stopped to help the original accident victim along with Joneses. I am having some cramps that feel like diarrhea which is rare for me, but I did drink a lot of coffee today so it could be that. witch only happens in 8% of people (so lucky me) does anyone know if this will go away. I was on 400mg and had to wean myself off of it before we could start trying. I have had such a time trying to lose weight cause exercising caused my fibromyalgia to flare up and I hurt so bad for days I could not get the weight off. Still taking Imitrex, two 100 mg tabs per migraine. See what works best for you when it comes to food. Allison is a nurse and on the night of Jan. Does the weight come back when you get off of it. I took pregnancy tests and went to the dr, but it isnt that. I am also on Zoloft 100mg to help with the Bipolar depression. If any of you see a neurologist and have to fill out that questionaire of 10 questions. I have been taking topamax for 4 months now and have experienced the change in taste with the soda. I am having some cramps that feel like diarrhea which is rare for me, but I did drink a lot of coffee today so it could be that. I previously found Topamax 25mg twice daily managed them well but was causing me to lose a lot of weight ( lost several stone) and have abdominal discomfort so came off. I am to increase to two pills a day for a month, then three then four, etc until visiting the doctor again in may. I am to increase to two pills a day for a month, then three then four, etc until visiting the doctor again in may. I have now lost 11lbs and I really feel good. Before the night was over, she would have a total of 12 broken bones, a lacerated skull requiring blood transfusions. I also had the taste change when drinking soda which also got better but more recently. Come to find out they prevent the headache but it also helps with my fibromyalgia symptoms. I was just recently put on topamax 25 mg for the weight loss benefits and have been reading the side effects. I am wondering if prescribing topamax for ddd is common among neurologists. I also have been on other drugs, and found that nothing works quite like topamax does. I would be in the middle of a sentence and forget what I was saying. Now that I am off Topamax I have gained those 10 lbs back, and I cannot stop eating. and will take 25 mg. I have leveled off and lost 30 pounds since late October. How long before the migraine cessation and weight loss. Future of U. It was decided during the fall semester of my freshman year of college that my birth control suppressed my migraines well enough that I no longer needed Topamax so I was taken off of it and kept the weight off easily. I am afraid of hair loss so will try to remember to take lots of biotin. I used to know my topamax blood level was high when the tip of my nose tingled. Even just a simple walk around the block is good for you. How long did it take before people noticed a reduced appetite. I was given Topomax by my Pain Management Specialist in late October for numbness and tingling in my foot, residue left over from a back surgery. If I can lose 35 more lbs, I will be down to 130lbs after a lifetime of struggling with weight problems. Obviously she has gotten off of the pills, and we are trying vitamins, Biotin, and hair products. Never figured what it was think it might have been gull stones ot kidney stones cause by the meds according to dr. They had been frantically calling 911, but kept getting the New York dispatch as they were so close to the border of the two states. Before I took Topamax the migraines were quite bad, I was having them a couple times a week. I was have anxiety and nervousness so I reduced back to the 25mg and am doing great with it. I have pernicious anemia and am hoping once my levels go up, my migraines will be less frequent and severe. m. I stopped taking the combination therapy because after getting much better, my depression symptoms got much worse while I was still on the medicine. 24, she was doing what she has always done. I am also taking other medications, I hope they dont interfere with the weight loss aspect of the medicine. I demanded to be taken off Remeron but the damage was already done. I only really went on it for the weight loss, i can handle my migrane episodes with medication but i would really like to enjoy the weightloss sideeffects. My hunger pangs are more servere, though my taste buds are a bit affected, only some chocolates and soft drinks taste unusual. Filling up on junk food or carbs is a bad idea. That was the case with me, when I went back on it the second time, I lost the weight I had gained while off it. Skimping on sleep sets your brain up to make bad decisions. in a. It finally did stop, and now it is very thin, but I have a lot of new hair growing in. I am only taking it again because it is the only meds that work at all for me and the weightloss was great and I have since gained back the weight. I recently re-started on the Topamax because I am having frequent, horrible migraines. I have friends who have been on weight watchers and have had this also. I have friends who have been on weight watchers and have had this also. He and his daughter Caitlin had stopped to help the original accident victim along with Joneses. It finally did stop, and now it is very thin, but I have a lot of new hair growing in. As George was driving up the hill, Allison went to the aid of the victim. I was under many life changes during this time, so I have no idea what eventually stopped the stomach aches. I have struggled with my weight since adolescence, and am thrilled to say that Topamax has really given me no other problems except a few weird tingling sensations in my feet, but I can deal. I am on 25mg Topamax for extreme migraines and will be on 50mg after 7 days, then after a month or two up to 75mg then eventually 100mg. I also suffer from hypothyroidism, IBS, insomnia, lifelong depression, multiple anxiety and recent severe weight gain due to excessive cortisol levels from steroids (combination of injections and prednilisone). Now I have energy and the weight is dropping. It has brought the biggest change to my life and I will never be the same. I noticed it has been a little more difficult to spell when taking notes over the past two days, or maybe its a coincidence. I was taking 800 mgs of gabapentin for nerve pain but was taken off when it no longer worked. Because I was on so many medications at the time, we were looking to eliminate as many as we could that were unnescessary. Once in the hospital, the doctors discovered that Allison had a large laceration in her head, two broken clavicles, two cracks in her pelvis, six broken ribs, cracks in her sacrum and every internal organ in her body was badly bruised. But I still lost 25 pounds in a little over a month. Please let me know how it goes with your increased dosage. Below I will paste the article about my accident. how often do you feel your migraines control your life. also could this drug alter my brain function since I know it is used for bi-polar and seizure disorder. I also asked my doctor if this is a normal side effect (changes in taste buds) but he said that its the first time that anyone ever mentioned it to him. Well, I totally lost my appetite almost and had to be reminded to eat by my caregiver. I was on Topamax for neuralgia in my leg and had the bonus of the side effect anorexia. Unfortunately Remeron has a side effect of extreme weight gain. I actually got off topamax 2 years ago, because the migraines stopped. Does the weight come back when you get off of it. I was unable to control my cravings and appetite during all this time and have gone from 135 to 162 in a very short period of time. To all those reading may every day be a little better than the day before. I easily drank about 2 liters of Coke a day and now I cannot stand the taste. Highway heroine on mend after 12 broken bones. The worst side effect I had was being able to talk. People who do not lose weight on tomapax are taking pills which counter act weight loss. m. She continues to live in pain, but remains hopeful that she will be able to return to the pit with George for the upcoming race season. She was left trapped underneath the car, facedown, with nothing but her head and her right shoulder exposed. Topamax being one of them because it was just a preventative. In another study done at the University of Chicago, sleep-deprived participants chose snacks with twice as much fat as those who slept at least 8 hours. I have so far lost 15 pounds on the topamax and a total of 30 since the beginning of the summer. When the van hit the Subaru, the force of the accident forced the car back onto its wheels, with Allison underneath it. I agree that it does come with the tingling feeling, and losing some hair, but I have been able to get my life back it seems like. Pepper. They continued my Topamax, and I have continued it since coming home,and noe in early Aug. I have been on 25mg of topamax for two weeks now and have found my appetite increase. I was just recently put on topamax 25 mg for the weight loss benefits and have been reading the side effects. I would not advise people to take this drug unless its needed for the purpose of a migraine, epileptics, or other cases under a doctors suggestion. I also take Wellbutrin and have taken Wellbutrin since I quit smoking in 2006. The weight loss aspect is the only plus. I was given Topomax by my Pain Management Specialist in late October for numbness and tingling in my foot, residue left over from a back surgery. Asked if she would continue to stop to aid victims, Allison had this to say. My daughter has been on Topamax for 2 months, she was on it to prevent migraines, and her mother in law had been taking it for the same reason and had incredibly lost a tremendous amount of weight (70 lbs) in about 4 months. Other than that all my side effects have disappeared other than the numbness but that is from my b12 defficiency I was just diagnosed with. Leptin, on the other hand, cues your brain to put the fork down. They recently came back and I am back on Topamax. Future of U. The original accident victim, Vita, had minor injuries and was treated and released. I would be in the middle of a sentence and forget what I was saying. The icing on the cake was the insurance for the insurance company went bankrupt - I never knew that was even possible), sorry I digress. so I am extremely worried about losing my new hairs and the little that I do have. They recently came back and I am back on Topamax. Self prescribed for weight loss and anxiety to lower my blood pressure as well. I have not noticed a reduction in my appetite nor have i noticed any additional sleepiness or trouble with words (I write so I would certainly notice this). I am getting to the place where I will be released to working with a personal trainer and pool therapy so I have no plans for the weight to come back. I am starting Topamax today for the first time ever, but I have a question, my dosage is 200mg TWICE. I forgot to mention, YES, I have noticed the hair loss side effect. In 3 months I gained 50 pounds, weighing in at around 175. I was on Topamax for neuralgia in my leg and had the bonus of the side effect anorexia. you know how desperiate you are to try ANTYHTING that might bring some sort of normalcy back. I had side effects for two weeks and they consisted of pain in the back of my head and neck. I would not advise people to take this drug unless its needed for the purpose of a migraine, epileptics, or other cases under a doctors suggestion. I have not noticed a reduction in my appetite nor have i noticed any additional sleepiness or trouble with words (I write so I would certainly notice this). I started at 25 mg once a day, then twice a day. What i do like about it is no migranes and i sleep through the entire night which never happens with me. should i increase my dose. I have had such a time trying to lose weight cause exercising caused my fibromyalgia to flare up and I hurt so bad for days I could not get the weight off. How long before the migraine cessation and weight loss. Add it all together, and a sleepy brain appears to crave junk food while also lacking the impulse control to say no. The icing on the cake was the insurance for the insurance company went bankrupt - I never knew that was even possible), sorry I digress. That was the case with me, when I went back on it the second time, I lost the weight I had gained while off it. I have been on Topamax for a little over 3 months now, and I love it. Also, I know how tempting it is not to exercise while on Topamax since you tend to lose weight without needing the physical activity. I am only on 50mg a day but I will contact my doctor to find out whether I should increase my dosage or not. Hello, I used to take Topamax for migraines in high school because my migraines were taking away from my everyday life. Has anyone else found these sideffects, there has been no weightloss but it is only early days. I lost about 10 pounds when I first started taking it, immediatly when you starting taking Topamax soda tastes weird, to the point where I had to stop drinking it all together. And in a review of 18 studies, researchers found that a lack of sleep led to increased cravings for energy-dense, high-carbohydrate foods. I also suffer from bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety and take Prozac and Lamotrigine. Flash ice had just occurred and the car had slid and flipped up onto its side. So I said I want it. However, I do get the tingling (my feet and hands) and numbness (my face), and the confusion and forgetfulness. I bought some Nioxin shampoo, used it first time today, and I am going to start taking prenatal vitamins or some other vitamins good for hair. Does anyone else get the numbness in their face. By the time George arrived at the scene, another man, by the name of Bill, had stopped. should i increase my dose. In Jan. Because insufficient sleep impacts your hunger and fullness hormones, including two called ghrelin and leptin. Along with a combination of birth control(Seasonique) I quickly gained control over my constant(sometimes weekly)migraines and only got them during the time of my period when I was off my birth control. They recently came back and I am back on Topamax. Took 50 mg. I have pernicious anemia and am hoping once my levels go up, my migraines will be less frequent and severe. This is my second time taking Topamax at 100mg a day for sezuires I am supposed to be taking 200 a day. Once in the hospital, the doctors discovered that Allison had a large laceration in her head, two broken clavicles, two cracks in her pelvis, six broken ribs, cracks in her sacrum and every internal organ in her body was badly bruised. It wakes me up at night sometimes, but usually goes away after a few minutes. A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that when people were starved of sleep, late-night snacking increased, and they were more likely to choose high-carb snacks. tonight. I took my first pill yesterday, 25 mg for a week working up to 100 by week 4. tonight. Oh, and I promise to keep this post up to date to let you know if I have lost any weight or had any unwanted side effects. ago at a party and then i saw her at Christmas and it was shocking. I have been on Topamax, 50 mg for a week, and I have already lost 5 lbs. My doc tells me it does change your taste buds and the only thing that really tasted good to me was milk. The only problem I had was the doc has me start out with 25 mg for seven days then up to 50 then 75 tillI reach 100mg. The side effects were minimal but the shakiness was by far the most annoying and continues to be. I only really went on it for the weight loss, i can handle my migrane episodes with medication but i would really like to enjoy the weightloss sideeffects. If you make you own soup, or meals, you get to put whatever you want in it. Lots of luck to you and I hope this helped you in some way. As most of you probably know, I was actually staying home. Hi, I just started taking TMax yesterday and am very hopeful for the benefits to begins. It took a long time, maybe 7 months for me to start getting relief from using topomax, and it helped me to go from 158 to 132, but it took time and I also exercised. I have recently re-started Topamax alongside Propanolol to manage my migraines. Some of my memory never came back. I have been on Topamax for a little over 3 months now, and I love it.

I have leveled off and lost 30 pounds since late October. ie: do you feel a burden to others. The only problem I had was the doc has me start out with 25 mg for seven days then up to 50 then 75 tillI reach 100mg. Now I have energy and the weight is dropping. I have not experienced the hair loss but have read numerous complaints from people that have had that problem so I almost wonder if they are using another medication with it or have other symptoms that may be causing this reaction, I would definately consult a physician with this question right away. I just started taking Topamax, started at 25 mg, then going to 50 mg and staying at that until I go back to Dr on July 8. I have been on 25mg of topamax for two weeks now and have found my appetite increase. Now I have started this and I am not too concerned with the side effects if they are just in the beginning. It was his arrival at the hospital that sped up her recovery. Is the weight loss only a factor if you experience the loss of appetite. The only side effect I have experienced is weight loss, which I am thrilled about. I noticed it has been a little more difficult to spell when taking notes over the past two days, or maybe its a coincidence. I am so happy to hear that you actually did lose the weight a second time around. I had seen her (Tina the M-in-L) about 4 mos. It wakes me up at night sometimes, but usually goes away after a few minutes. Even just a simple walk around the block is good for you. To all those reading may every day be a little better than the day before. When I used to go to the salon they would charge me double, complaing that my hair was so thick and there was so much of it. My appetite is the a bit different, I never ate during the day but always ate dinner. When I started out, I got a lot of energy, lost 35lbs. I feel great and my blood sugar and pressure are all back to normal, healthy ranges. Unfortunately Remeron has a side effect of extreme weight gain. I am on 25mg Topamax for extreme migraines and will be on 50mg after 7 days, then after a month or two up to 75mg then eventually 100mg. Allison is expected to make a nearly full recovery. They continued my Topamax, and I have continued it since coming home,and noe in early Aug. The icing on the cake was the insurance for the insurance company went bankrupt - I never knew that was even possible), sorry I digress. Took 50 mg. eeks. Study Casts Doubt on Common Morning Sickness Drug. Is the weight loss only a factor if you experience the loss of appetite. Is the weight loss only a factor if you experience the loss of appetite. I was perscribed topamax for the daily headaches. I had side effects for two weeks and they consisted of pain in the back of my head and neck. S. He told me it may help with weight loss as I had gained 60 pounds due to steroids and narcotics over a 5 yr period of time and not being able to exercise due to 2 back surgeries in less than a year. RUTLAND — One minute she was cruising down the highway excited about an evening out with her husband and granddaughter, and the next she was telling her husband to pull over so she could help the accident victim on the side of the road. I also take Wellbutrin and have taken Wellbutrin since I quit smoking in 2006. If you make you own soup, or meals, you get to put whatever you want in it. I have so far lost 15 pounds on the topamax and a total of 30 since the beginning of the summer. I have been on Topamax for almost 2 months now and in the beginning, I had the tingling bad in my feet and hands. The side effects were minimal but the shakiness was by far the most annoying and continues to be. I live in a different state and am considered to have thin hair. Lots of luck to you and I hope this helped you in some way. I have been suffering with migraines now for 2 years but things got worse in April this year when i was addmitted into hospital after being paralized for 6 hours - after many tests the doctors have finally diagnosed migraines - i have been reading through all the previous posts and find all the information really useful. The hair loss problem seems to affect all people who lose weight quickly and many times is a protein problem. in a. This stress hormone signals your body to conserve energy to fuel your waking hours. However, in speaking with other trauma victims, I have heard that weight loss, lack of appetite, etc. My doctor thought trying something that I had been on before would be a good idea because it had seemed to help stop the migraines. This time I will do better with my appetite and cravings because I know what happened last time. I think it must have something to do with the Carbon Oxide gas or something. I have lost a couple pounds already and my fave diet coke tastes gross. I recently started using Topamax and just wanted to find out if I should be following s specific diet to get the same kind of result that the ladies ubove have got out of this thing. Before I took Topamax the migraines were quite bad, I was having them a couple times a week. Because I was on so many medications at the time, we were looking to eliminate as many as we could that were unnescessary. During that time I gained 55 pounds of very unwanted pounds, after each surgery I would lose the usual 10 to 16 pounds and then it would come right back on. I was down from 160lbs to 109lbs but of course this was over some period of time more so a year or two. Thanks. , for 6 mos. I also went from weighing 150 to 125, an extreme accomplishment since I had always struggled with weight during high school after I could no longer be in sports due to an injury. Wellbutrin helped keep me from gaining weight during my battle with quitting smoking, which is amazing and made cigarettes taste horrible. I also have fibromyalgia so I thought the forgetfulness was the fibro-fog, also noticing increased poor concentration, especially trying to study. This time I will do better with my appetite and cravings because I know what happened last time. I lost about 10 pounds when I first started taking it, immediatly when you starting taking Topamax soda tastes weird, to the point where I had to stop drinking it all together. Yet experts agree that getting enough shut- eye is as important to health, well-being, and your weight as are diet and exercise. I recently started using Topamax and just wanted to find out if I should be following s specific diet to get the same kind of result that the ladies ubove have got out of this thing. Celexa for example, usually any antidepressant that is not otherwise stated to cause weight loss or no change in weight WILL cause you to gain weight. to a year is common, if not universal. I asked her what was she taking and she said Topamax. I have very thick hair, Christa has thin hair. Rowdy is a stray cat that Allison found in the family barn and raised on a bottle. She continues to live in pain, but remains hopeful that she will be able to return to the pit with George for the upcoming race season. I actually got off topamax 2 years ago, because the migraines stopped. The first time I lost about 35 lbs with the effects but kept going and lost a total of 76lbs. I have been on everything including the last Gabapentin. In Jan. The main side effect of the medication, which I personally LOVE, is the fact that I have so far lost 15 lbs. The original accident victim, Vita, had minor injuries and was treated and released. to a year is common, if not universal. As most of you probably know, I was actually staying home. I was on 400mg and had to wean myself off of it before we could start trying. Hello, I used to take Topamax for migraines in high school because my migraines were taking away from my everyday life. The only side effect I have experienced is weight loss, which I am thrilled about. Self prescribed for weight loss and anxiety to lower my blood pressure as well. They had been frantically calling 911, but kept getting the New York dispatch as they were so close to the border of the two states. George pulled over, let Allison out and then proceeded to drive up the hill to warn oncoming cars of the accident below. Please advise. I used to have migraines at least 5 or 6 times a week, and now I only have like 2 a month. I started when the drug was fairly unknown to most and a generic wasnt available at the time. Last time I had problems remembering and spelling things, numbness, carbonated things tasted weird, strange dreams and worst of all was a week period in the first month with HORRIBLE stabbing stomach pain. Allison wants people to know that she did not break a single nail, thanks to the work she regularly has done at Glamour Nails in Holden. Plus, I do not drink any carbonated beverages (ever). I got one and immediately mentioned to my husband that it tasted really horrible to me. I am only taking it again because it is the only meds that work at all for me and the weightloss was great and I have since gained back the weight. I think it must have something to do with the Carbon Oxide gas or something. I have not noticed a reduction in my appetite nor have i noticed any additional sleepiness or trouble with words (I write so I would certainly notice this). I actually got off topamax 2 years ago, because the migraines stopped. I had seen her (Tina the M-in-L) about 4 mos. I have now lost 11lbs and I really feel good. I have started taking Topamax this week for migraines - starting on 25mg working up to 100mg. Well, I totally lost my appetite almost and had to be reminded to eat by my caregiver. My stomach pains were so unbearable and I was so depressed that I was out of school for over 6 months because the pain was unbearable. I have not experienced the hair loss but have read numerous complaints from people that have had that problem so I almost wonder if they are using another medication with it or have other symptoms that may be causing this reaction, I would definately consult a physician with this question right away. Celexa for example, usually any antidepressant that is not otherwise stated to cause weight loss or no change in weight WILL cause you to gain weight. But I still lost 25 pounds in a little over a month. During that time I gained 55 pounds of very unwanted pounds, after each surgery I would lose the usual 10 to 16 pounds and then it would come right back on. Obviously she has gotten off of the pills, and we are trying vitamins, Biotin, and hair products. Before the night was over, she would have a total of 12 broken bones, a lacerated skull requiring blood transfusions. Topamax being one of them because it was just a preventative. Hello, I used to take Topamax for migraines in high school because my migraines were taking away from my everyday life. Today, Allison has still only had the one surgery and is resting at home. I have been on Topamax for almost 2 months now and in the beginning, I had the tingling bad in my feet and hands. She was left trapped underneath the car, facedown, with nothing but her head and her right shoulder exposed. Come to find out they prevent the headache but it also helps with my fibromyalgia symptoms. As most of you probably know, I was actually staying home. Never figured what it was think it might have been gull stones ot kidney stones cause by the meds according to dr. in a. I have very thick hair, Christa has thin hair. RUTLAND — One minute she was cruising down the highway excited about an evening out with her husband and granddaughter, and the next she was telling her husband to pull over so she could help the accident victim on the side of the road. I know some of the weight loss is due to the fact that I no longer take steroids or injections but either way, very happy with the results. Along with a combination of birth control(Seasonique) I quickly gained control over my constant(sometimes weekly)migraines and only got them during the time of my period when I was off my birth control. Flash ice had just occurred and the car had slid and flipped up onto its side. has me on it. I may start taking it again if we are not pregnant this month, then wean myself off again when I reach my goal. I did have a mild case of the forgetfulness and not able to get my words out, but it only lasted about a month. Within a minute of freeing her, the entire county showed up. Upon arrival at Milford Hospital, Allison was immediately transferred to the trauma center in Danbury, Conn. I decreased one pill every two weeks, then had to be off of it for a full month before we could start. Does anyone else get the numbness in their face. I am also taking other medications, I hope they dont interfere with the weight loss aspect of the medicine. As George was driving up the hill, Allison went to the aid of the victim. I actually got off topamax 2 years ago, because the migraines stopped. I also asked my doctor if this is a normal side effect (changes in taste buds) but he said that its the first time that anyone ever mentioned it to him. I am only on 50mg a day but I will contact my doctor to find out whether I should increase my dosage or not. I was so insistent that my daughter finally had an official-looking diploma made up for him to make me happy. along with maxalt. and will take 25 mg. Things have been extremely stressful lately and I have no idea whether or not the Topamax could have a relation to the stomach aches and diarrhea or if it is the stress or if its a combination. When I started out, I got a lot of energy, lost 35lbs. has me on it. Please advise. Allison is expected to make a nearly full recovery. Finally, Allison was safely enclosed in the ambulance. I have been off Topamax for about 4 months and just started back on it today, hoping for the side effect and also hope this time it will help with the neuralgia. Allison wants people to know that she did not break a single nail, thanks to the work she regularly has done at Glamour Nails in Holden. I took pregnancy tests and went to the dr, but it isnt that. Desperate for help, I went to a weight loss clinic as soon as school ended. I live in a different state and am considered to have thin hair. I now weigh about 149 and am still dropping pounds. Maxalt is brilliant and it has little to no side effects but it is not as effective as tomapax for preventing migraines, its more of a pain killer and if you have a very severe migraine they will not work but if you have a bad headache or mild migraine then you will find maxalt good. I bought some Nioxin shampoo, used it first time today, and I am going to start taking prenatal vitamins or some other vitamins good for hair. At age 19 during my spring semester of freshman year in college, I was put on Remeron for my depression and anxiety. I got weightloss but after I was up to 400mg. I had a hard time remembering anything while on it. In 3 months I gained 50 pounds, weighing in at around 175. I may go back on the Topamax as a combination therapy to shed these extra pounds. Pepper. eeks. I get the numbness in my face, and I notice it especially in the mornings, when I am putting on makeup. On imitrex as well, it does not work either. So far my migraines have not gotten a ton better, but they have subsided some. I am also on Zoloft 100mg to help with the Bipolar depression. I first took Topamax at age 17 for migraines, which I suffered terribly from. It was his arrival at the hospital that sped up her recovery. Some of my memory never came back. I had a hard time remembering anything while on it. how often do you feel your migraines control your life. I started at 25 mg once a day, then twice a day. The main side effect of the medication, which I personally LOVE, is the fact that I have so far lost 15 lbs. Anyway, Bill and I lifted the car off of Allison and the anonymous man slid her out. Then i come here and see everyone talking about slowly working up to it, also the topamax websight said the same thing. Having been married for several years, George knew he had to pull over so that I could assist. I first took Topamax at age 17 for migraines, which I suffered terribly from. As most of you probably know, I was actually staying home. was very tired, but it did help lower my systolic bp lowest it has been in months. The other was insistent that the pelvis needed to be stabilized. I also suffer from hypothyroidism, IBS, insomnia, lifelong depression, multiple anxiety and recent severe weight gain due to excessive cortisol levels from steroids (combination of injections and prednilisone). I lost my appetite and lost weight every month when i started taking effexor and i also take levothyroxine for hypothyroidism which is a weight loss booster but it only works if you have a low thyroid, so the tomapax is really just for headaches but the weight loss ONLY works with doses of 100mg and over. Allison is a nurse and on the night of Jan. you know how desperiate you are to try ANTYHTING that might bring some sort of normalcy back. When Bill saw the car flip onto Allison, he immediately handed the cell phone to Caitlin and ran to the aid of Allison. Things have been extremely stressful lately and I have no idea whether or not the Topamax could have a relation to the stomach aches and diarrhea or if it is the stress or if its a combination. I also went from weighing 150 to 125, an extreme accomplishment since I had always struggled with weight during high school after I could no longer be in sports due to an injury. The worst side effect I had was being able to talk. That has never happend to me in my entire life. I had taken myself off most sodas a while back, but at the movie theater the other day I decided to get a Diet Dr. The tingling and burning in my feet and hands it has helped. The kicker here is that now my Dr. witch only happens in 8% of people (so lucky me) does anyone know if this will go away. I have started taking Topamax this week for migraines - starting on 25mg working up to 100mg. Hi, I just started taking TMax yesterday and am very hopeful for the benefits to begins. Today I took 25 mg. Plus, I do not drink any carbonated beverages (ever). I have been on Topamax, 50 mg for a week, and I have already lost 5 lbs. I was so insistent that my daughter finally had an official-looking diploma made up for him to make me happy. Asked if she would continue to stop to aid victims, Allison had this to say. It took a long time, maybe 7 months for me to start getting relief from using topomax, and it helped me to go from 158 to 132, but it took time and I also exercised. I was just started on Topamax along with keppra, lacimtal, duragesic fentyl patch (for pain - have had over 12 abdominal surgeries in 15 years). Today I took 25 mg. Within a minute of freeing her, the entire county showed up. George pulled over, let Allison out and then proceeded to drive up the hill to warn oncoming cars of the accident below. When I used to go to the salon they would charge me double, complaing that my hair was so thick and there was so much of it. My doctors say they will increase my dose of the topamax soon. S. I may go back on the Topamax as a combination therapy to shed these extra pounds. I took my first pill yesterday, 25 mg for a week working up to 100 by week 4. I easily drank about 2 liters of Coke a day and now I cannot stand the taste. I was have anxiety and nervousness so I reduced back to the 25mg and am doing great with it. When Bill saw the car flip onto Allison, he immediately handed the cell phone to Caitlin and ran to the aid of Allison. However, I do get the tingling (my feet and hands) and numbness (my face), and the confusion and forgetfulness. I have been off Topamax for about 4 months and just started back on it today, hoping for the side effect and also hope this time it will help with the neuralgia. Now that I am off Topamax I have gained those 10 lbs back, and I cannot stop eating. Asprin: The Wonder Drug in Your Medicine Cabinet. Then i come here and see everyone talking about slowly working up to it, also the topamax websight said the same thing. I am starting Topamax today for the first time ever, but I have a question, my dosage is 200mg TWICE. Update: I am now on 100 mgs of Topamax daily. I am afraid of hair loss so will try to remember to take lots of biotin. in a. I may start taking it again if we are not pregnant this month, then wean myself off again when I reach my goal. When the van hit the Subaru, the force of the accident forced the car back onto its wheels, with Allison underneath it. The kicker here is that now my Dr. During that time I gained 55 pounds of very unwanted pounds, after each surgery I would lose the usual 10 to 16 pounds and then it would come right back on. I decreased one pill every two weeks, then had to be off of it for a full month before we could start. was very tired, but it did help lower my systolic bp lowest it has been in months. m. I am getting to the place where I will be released to working with a personal trainer and pool therapy so I have no plans for the weight to come back. Wellbutrin helped keep me from gaining weight during my battle with quitting smoking, which is amazing and made cigarettes taste horrible. I have been on everything including the last Gabapentin. I have been taking topamax for 4 months now and have experienced the change in taste with the soda. Thanks. Upon arrival at Milford Hospital, Allison was immediately transferred to the trauma center in Danbury, Conn. My dr called me in a script for topamax for my migraines. After a while (about three weeks) this started to subside. 24, she was doing what she has always done. I also have fibromyalgia so I thought the forgetfulness was the fibro-fog, also noticing increased poor concentration, especially trying to study. MY doc is hoping this will work for my migraines and my nerve pain. The combination of hormones and Topamax worked extremely well. If I can lose 35 more lbs, I will be down to 130lbs after a lifetime of struggling with weight problems. I also had the taste change when drinking soda which also got better but more recently. Last time I had problems remembering and spelling things, numbness, carbonated things tasted weird, strange dreams and worst of all was a week period in the first month with HORRIBLE stabbing stomach pain. How long did it take before people noticed a reduced appetite. , for 6 mos. I am so happy to hear that you actually did lose the weight a second time around. On imitrex as well, it does not work either. Desperate for help, I went to a weight loss clinic as soon as school ended. Health Care: What You Need to Know. Finally, Allison was safely enclosed in the ambulance. Update: I am now on 100 mgs of Topamax daily. There must have been 40 rescuers on the scene within 10 minutes of the initial accident. s. I forgot to mention, YES, I have noticed the hair loss side effect. Having been married for several years, George knew he had to pull over so that I could assist. I was just started on Topamax along with keppra, lacimtal, duragesic fentyl patch (for pain - have had over 12 abdominal surgeries in 15 years). I seem to get them first thing in the morning or late night if I stay up. I have been suffering with migraines now for 2 years but things got worse in April this year when i was addmitted into hospital after being paralized for 6 hours - after many tests the doctors have finally diagnosed migraines - i have been reading through all the previous posts and find all the information really useful. She was a bit disoriented, but she was most concerned about the others in the car with her. The dose on the topamax is listed as take one 100mg pill at bedtime. I got one and immediately mentioned to my husband that it tasted really horrible to me. To all those reading may every day be a little better than the day before. The hair loss problem seems to affect all people who lose weight quickly and many times is a protein problem. Oh, and I promise to keep this post up to date to let you know if I have lost any weight or had any unwanted side effects. I did have a mild case of the forgetfulness and not able to get my words out, but it only lasted about a month. Now I have started this and I am not too concerned with the side effects if they are just in the beginning. But your body still needs exercise to remain healthy while you lose the weight. Today, Allison has still only had the one surgery and is resting at home. At age 19 during my spring semester of freshman year in college, I was put on Remeron for my depression and anxiety. So far my migraines have not gotten a ton better, but they have subsided some. He told me it may help with weight loss as I had gained 60 pounds due to steroids and narcotics over a 5 yr period of time and not being able to exercise due to 2 back surgeries in less than a year. Has anyone else found these sideffects, there has been no weightloss but it is only early days. I stopped taking it in August cuz me n hubby are trying to have a baby, but if I am not pregnant this month, we are gonna stop trying for a while til I get my weight under control. This is what results in the side effect of loss of appetite, at least for me. My daughter has been on Topamax for 2 months, she was on it to prevent migraines, and her mother in law had been taking it for the same reason and had incredibly lost a tremendous amount of weight (70 lbs) in about 4 months. I agree that it does come with the tingling feeling, and losing some hair, but I have been able to get my life back it seems like. There must have been 40 rescuers on the scene within 10 minutes of the initial accident. My stomach pains were so unbearable and I was so depressed that I was out of school for over 6 months because the pain was unbearable. I will post every week to update everyone on my experience with Topamax. I now weigh about 149 and am still dropping pounds. I was down from 160lbs to 109lbs but of course this was over some period of time more so a year or two. My appetite is the a bit different, I never ate during the day but always ate dinner. By the time George arrived at the scene, another man, by the name of Bill, had stopped. I used to know my topamax blood level was high when the tip of my nose tingled. Other than that all my side effects have disappeared other than the numbness but that is from my b12 defficiency I was just diagnosed with. 2010, weigh 111 lbs. This is my second time taking Topamax at 100mg a day for sezuires I am supposed to be taking 200 a day. It was decided during the fall semester of my freshman year of college that my birth control suppressed my migraines well enough that I no longer needed Topamax so I was taken off of it and kept the weight off easily.

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